Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Kelin HATES valentines day haha! He thinks it is just a way for Hallmark to make more money. Everytime I ever mentioned getting him something he basically threatened my life lol. Soo I didn't get him anything because I knew he wouldn't be very happy lol. I happen to think Valentines day is one of the cutest holidays of all time though. I wasn't expecting anything that day because of how much Kelin dislikes it, but when he got home from work he surprised me with a huge box of chocolate and told me he was taking me out to dinner that night:)! Kelin knows that I am not a huge fan of flowers but I have a major sweet tooth so it was very thoughtful of him to get me chocolate. I was so surprised and almost felt guilty for making him celebrate V-day haha!

 Kelin is always doing such cute things for me and is the most selfless person that I know. He treats me like a queen and I am so grateful for him in my life. This is going to sound corny but my fav song of all time is "Mine", by Taylor Swift. Basically because the music video to that song describes our whole relationship. We met while both going to school and I honestly wasn't expecting to meet someone that semester because I was THROUGH with dating stupid boys haha. I may have been a little bit bitter. Kelin was so different from anyone I had ever dated however, and so I decided to give it a chance. 5 months later we were married and the rest is history. Just like the music video we didnt know how everything was going to work out with jobs and such but we knew we loved each other and wanted to be together. We just celebrated our anniversary about 2 months ago and I can honestly say this has been the greatest/funnest/best year of my life! We have just had an absolute blast being together creating our own family traditions. Now that we have Kennedy things are just getting better and better and I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father for all the many blessing we have received since we have been married and even when we were dating! I can honestly say that their is no way we could have survived without him!! How grateful I am that I can be sealed to my family for not only this life but for eternity. I am so thankful for this past year and cant wait for the adventures that lie ahead:)

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