Wednesday, March 30, 2011

One Week

Their is exactly one week left of this semester and I must say that I am ecstatic! No I am not going to school but when the other half of me is going (husband) ha it still affects me. Not that I am not so grateful that my hubby can be getting an education year round we just need a little break. This coming Thurs. we will be going to Bountiful UT and I will be able to see many people that I love dearly. My grandparents will get to meet Kennedy for the first time and I cannot wait for her to meet them. Also, I get to see my best friend Katie who is getting married in May! She is having a bridal shower the day after we get into town. I am also very excited to show off my sweet baby girl to many of the people in Utah who are just dying to see her. Their is also many other things that will be doing that week but I must say we are mostly just excited to relax. Because Kelin is still going to school I live my life by semesters still rather than months.  This 3 months semester has been absolutely awesome tho! Prob my favorite of all time. Kennedy is getting to be a fun age and she just gets cuter by the day. I am so smitten by that little girl. Kelin and I have made a lot of new friends in our ward this semester and that has been awesome! We have been more social this semester than ever before! Oh and I am training to run a 5k! I am so incredibly excited because I love to run, and this 5k will give me something to train for and keep me going. I feel so grateful for all that I have and to be at the point in my life that I am at. I just feel so happy and grateful every day when I wake up and get out of bed. The gospel is something that has truly blessed in my life and I just feel so lucky to have it. I  know that Heavenly Father is looking out for me and my family:) oh and general conference is this weekend and I seriously cant wait!          

oh and p.s. the signs of summer are starting to show:) I was able to run outside today without being cold. LOVE summertime.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

All I want is..

All I  want right now is the sunshine!! Everything else in my life is great! But really I am missing the sun:( being from California I took for granted being able to see the sunshine basically the whole year long. Now we get to see the sun 3 months out of the year. All I want to do is walk Kennedy to the park in her stroller and bask in the sunlight! Kelin and I def love Idaho but warm weather is lacking for sure! Some things we do during these snowy months are..
Netflix- seriously the greatest invention ever! Especially because we can stream movies and TV shows through our ps3! Our show we are watching right now is Heroes! We are obsessed! And I love Hayden Paniterre! We are already on the 2nd season and we just started watching on Saturday.
Games- with friends is another way that we stay entertained! I am not a huge game person but I love getting together with friends! Oh and wathing Kelin is fun because he is super competitive in everything..especially games!
Baking- another way I stay sane! I really enjoy it actually which is surprising because in college(2 years ago) I couldn't even make mac and cheese! But I am progressively becoming better at this which is good for my cute fam because I def dont want them to starve!
Wallmart- one of our favorite places to go! Haha may sound weird but we love it!
Our lives may sound lame but we are sure having fun!!
                   What we wake up to every morning.
                      Where we would like to be!
Oh and just had to throw in a pic of my fav two people! How lucky am I to have these 2 cuties in my life!