Sunday, February 19, 2012


So not much has changed since my last post! The weather here in Provo has been beautiful these past 2 weeks:)! Kennedy and I have have spent alot of time outside on walks and playing in the back yard! I am soo thankful for the sunshine because staying inside all day makes me go crazy!! Kelin is still working hard at his job and is still loving it! I love seeing him come home with a big smile telling me all that he has learned/did that day. We are still loving it here in Utah and having fun with our little Kennedy. Kennedy has also been having lots of fun with her cousins who come over a couple times a week and for Sunday dinner! I am honestly sooooo baby hungry, especially when I see Kennedy playing so good with her cousins. She has so much fun with them and is so sweet and cute to them! So hopefully some day in the near future she will have one..or two more siblings:)!
Here are the pics I promised..:)

 backyard play area:)

 Kennedy loves playing outside!
 Kennedy LOVES the puppy Ricky:)

 Playing with her cousin Ty(she was playing with his hair)
 haha they are so cute together!

my sweet happy little girl:)
Well that was kind of a pic overload but you get the idea of what we have been up to:)!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Utah life

Well we have been living in Utah for a month on Tuesday! Can you believe how fast time flies? So far everything is going great and we LOVE it here! The first week was hard for me and  I missed Rexburg for a bit. I wasnt used to all of the people and traffic that comes with being in a bigger town! After about a week tho I got over it and now I dont really want to leave haha! Their is so much to do here and I love being around so much family. Its crazy being able to drive down the street and be right next to a mall and pretty much every store you could imagine!  This never happens in Rexburg where their is virtually no shopping options. We have spent a couple days stopping into all of the stores we havent been able to go to since life in Idaho. We generally dont have much time for that anymore however, because Kelin just started working 40 hour weeks this week! He was originally only going to be working 30 hours unpaid but after the first week or 2 his boss decided he was doing so good they would give him more hours and pay him! What a blessing this is to our little family and we are so grateful how that worked out! We went out to sushi this last friday to celebrate and it was such a perfect and fun little night with my family. I probably emberass Kelin with how much I brag about him but he is such a hard worker and I really coulnt be more proud of my talented hubby. I am still a stay at home mommy and I am so thankfull to be one! Greatest job in the world and I feel so lucky. Kennedy is now 15 months old and cuter than ever! We are living with Kelin's aunt and uncle while we are here and they have a 3 story house so most of my time during the day is spent chasing Kennedy around! This has actually been amazing cardio so I am not complaining:)! Some of Kennedy's favorite things to do are
-chase Ricky around(the dog)
-say bye to everyone while waving(even strangers)
-blow kisses
-grab my hand and drag me all over the house
-read books
-talk even though we pretty much have no idea what she is saying
-talk on the phone
I really wish I was better at taking pics but I will post some this weekend because I know those are more fun to look at then reading words:) that is pretty much all we have been up to lately! We are so grateful for Kennedy and the sweet little blessing she has been and still is in our lives. I look forward to the crazy and exciting journey life continues to takes us on as a little family!