Wednesday, July 27, 2011

10 day you challenge: 9 loves

1. My husband, daughter, and extended family
2. My Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the gospel
3. The SUNSHINE (love warm weather and being tan)
4. Traveling (obviously dont get to do much of this being on a college budget but one day will travel lots.)
5. Fashion, totally and completely fascinated by it!
6. Crafts, lately I have been really into doing little craft projects here and there! I am nowhere near as good as some people but it is def becoming one of my passions.
7. Working out! Tennis, running, basketball,anything really! I just love working out and getting endorphins.
8. Spending time with and visiting the people I love. This upcoming week we will be going to Utah and will see many people I love dearly. We will get to see my mom, mother in law, sister, granparents, uncles, aunts, cousins. Haha yes lots of people:)
9. Cooking, I am always looking online for new recipes and trying new meal ideas. I have a major sweet tooth so I really like making desserts also:)!

What a beautiful day it is today! Went on a run and felt the beautiful sunshine kissing my skin! Not a better feeling in the world:). Now I am going to spend the day playing with my beautiful baby and cleaning the house. My hunny will be working until 10 tonight so I might just have to do some deep cleaning to keep myself occupied!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

10 day you challenge:10 secrets

1. I am absolutely terrified of flying! Whenever I absolutely have to fly I will hyperventilate everytime their is any turbulance at all. Seriously, ask my hubby or sister!! I totally drive them crazy when flying.
2. I gave up going to college and getting a degree to have my baby, and I couldnt be happier! I feel like being a mommy and a house wife is the greatest job on the planet and that I am born to do it. I wake up every morning feeling like the luckiest girl on the planet!
3. I am my toughest critic and am constantly feeling like I never do good enough. Maybe this makes me a perfectionist? If I dont do something absolutely perfect then I beat myself up about it inside.
4. I have a serious sweet tooth and alot of times would take an ice cream cone over having dinner or lunch any day:)! Yes this drives my husband crazy!
5. I have a serious love for clothes and shopping! I know most girls love to shop but I think I could spend my whole day at the mall just looking at all of the styles of clothing. Even when I am just walking down the street I am always noticing what people are wearing. Most of the time I will remember what someone was wearing the day before rather then their name!
6. Sometimes after a long busy week I just need to chill on the couch with my family and crash. It is hard for me to constantly be on the go without any down time.
7. I am incredibly east going. You know those high maintiance girls that have to have everything perfect? Well I am the complete opposite. Through life experinces I have learned you just have to go with the flow. This attitude has made me who I am today.
8. My life motto is "come what may and love it" this quote was given my President Monson and I absulotely LOVE it. What a great example he is in my life. As long as you have faith in Heavenly Father and a brightness of hope everything will be ok. Life is so beautiful and should be spent being happy!
9. I am a serious home body. My husband is my perfect match because he is the same way. We would much rather be curled up together on the couch watching a good movie then being out on the town!
10. I am the happiest I have ever been in my whole life. I have the most amazing daughter and husband in the world and I feel so grateful to be blessed with them. Everyday I try to be the best I can be for them:)

I am doing this challenge to take up some spare time and also because it will make me a more consisten blogger. Often times I become bored of blogging and dont know what to write about. This will keep me entertained:) On a side note, here is a pic of my girl grocery shopping with mommy and daddy! (Yes my hubby does grocery shop with me and I love it more then anything:))

Monday, July 25, 2011

4th of July

I know we are almost in Aug but I totally spaced posting about our 4th of July weekend. We had a wonderful day starting with the Idaho Falls parade! Kennedy was a good sport and was quite entertained by all of the floats and people. After that we went shopping and had lunch. We went to our friends mom's house after and played games until the fire works. Kennedy had about had it by them so we had to leave about a minute after the fire works started. It was ok though because she was such a good little trooper the whole day I didnt mind leaving early! We even missed all of the traffic:)! Here are some pics of our great day..
at the parade!